воскресенье, 3 ноября 2013 г.

Этого нет на sseu.ru

Фотография - импрессионисты отдыхают...

пятница, 11 октября 2013 г.

Migration registration of foreign students - sseu.ru

Appendix №1
To the order of SSEU №525-ОВ from “18” June 2012 
The rules of staying on the territory of Russian Federation and
the order of migration registration of foreign citizens studying at 
Federal State Budget Educational Institution
of Higher Professional Education
“Samara State University of Economics”
Foreign citizens which arrived to study (internship, courses etc.) are subjected to on the day of arrival or next day (except holidays and days-off) to hand in the following documents to the Security Department (room 025) to register at the place of staying:
For foreign citizens from the countries with visa-free regime the following documents are necessary:
  1. ID or passport and their copies;
  2. Migration card with the stamp, containing the date of crossing RF border and its copy;
  3. Reference from the Dean Office;
  4. Contract of apprenticeship/ letter of apprenticeship and its copy;
For filling up a multi-visa application for foreign citizens from the countries with visa-regime the following documents are necessary:
  1. ID or passport and its copy;
  2. Migration card with the stamp, containing the date of crossing RF border and its copy;
  3. Reference from the Dean Office;
  4. Contract of apprenticeship/ letter of apprenticeship and its copy;
  5. Payment receipt of state due of 1000 rub.
  6. Photos 3×4 sm (in color or black-and-white, on matt surface paper) – 4 pieces
For visa prolongation and recurring migration registration, you should apply one month before the expiry date of these documents! The period of documents preparation is not less than 1 month. 
Before going to other cities of RF or outwards RF, a foreign citizen has to inform the Security Department about the purpose, time and place of arrival. In case of staying in other city a foreign citizen has to register at the Department of Federal Migration Service himself or apply to the administration body of the receiving organization for temporary migration registration. During two working days after returning to the place of studying or internship etc, a foreign citizen has to inform the Security Department about his return.
In case of changing the accommodation on the territory of Samara city (Samara region) a foreign citizen has to inform the Security Department about it within 2 days and fill up a new notification.
In case of losing the documents (national passport, visa, and migration card) a foreign citizen has to apply to the nearest police department at the place of documents loss immediately to get the certificate of incident and report about it to the Security Department.
Foreign citizens have to prolong or change national passports within 6 months before the expiry date and deliver it to the Security Department.
After graduation or expulsion from the university foreign citizens have to leave RF within the established deadlines. To leave RF after graduation citizens have to have national passport, migration card, visa and notification.
Foreign citizens who have committed a crime, administrative or other offences on the territory of RF are be liable to administrative or criminal proceedings as well as citizens of RF.
For breaking the rules of staying on the territory of RF remedial actions are taken: fine, administrative expulsion, deportation in accordance with the existing legislation of RF.
Referring migration registration and visa prolongation foreign students studying at SSEU should apply to the Security Department, room № 025, tel. 224-00-53

History of Samara State University of Economics - sseu.ru

Samara State University of Economics is the largest one in the Volga region. Its main target is complex training of competitive specialists able to facilitate the process of Russia joining the world community.
Institute of Economic Planning was founded in Samara in September 1931. In the process of country’s industrialization and agriculture collectivization it was necessary to train economists in the sphere of industrial and agricultural planning and national economy as a whole.
1935    First graduates of Kuybyshev Institute of Economic Planning.
1950s Transformation of Institute into a multi-profile HEI with great variety of faculties.
1962    Post-graduate courses are established.
1968    Dissertation board is established.
1977    Centre of Information Technology is established.
1991    HEI is renamed into Samara Institute of Economics.
1993    Business lawyers, managers, marketers training is started. Doctorate course is established.
1994    Bachelors training is started. Doctor dissertation Board is established. HEI acquires a new status. Institute is renamed into Samara State Academy of Economics.
1996    Subsidiary in Togliatti is established.
1998    Academy gets access to World Wide Web (Internet).
1999    Masters training is started. Foreign Languages Learning Centre is founded.
2000    Subsidiary in Syzran is established.
2001    Subsidiary in Shentala is established. International Centre is founded.
2002    Volga Region Centre for Retraining military personnel is established within Russian-British program. Representative office in Bezenchuk is established.
2005    Samara State Academy of Economics is renamed Samara State University of Economics. 

International activity of Samara State University of Economics (SSEU.ru)

The intensive development of the international activity has been one of the main indicators of quality of education and university success rate. University policy in the field of international cooperation development is global that shows readiness to establish and elaborate cross-border relations, which gives our students the opportunity to get acquainted with foreign educational systems, scientific-research schools and become familiar with foreign culture that in general, broadens professional, scientific and spiritual potential.
The principle of international contacts development is based on the reinforcement of scientific and educational contacts with foreign universities which are high-rated in the field of economic and juridical education. SSEU is striving to strike the lingua-geographical balance to help the students speaking different languages study in the universities of different countries.
In SSEU within the scope of international, educational and scientific research activity a range of different trends are actualized: exchange education in the host-university or on-the-job practical training at the enterprises, participation in the international research projects, conferences and seminars, publications in the electronic scientific journal and etc. The students are very interested in the international youth exchange programs which imply students’ language qualification upgrading and acquiring new cross-cultural experience.
In 2008 SSEU was honored with “European quality” award, in 2010 SSEU signed Magna Charta Universitat which gives the university more opportunities for taking part in international projects and further cross-cultural relations and also proves the recognition of quality of education that our university suggests.
Currently some double degree programs are implemented in our university.()
Now the opportunity to take part in exchange semester program in the host-universities (Germany, the USA, France, and Spain) appears to be very prestigious. The best students have the opportunity to take part in exchange semester program in the host-universities free of charge. Moreover, students can get governmental scholarship of the country where the selected university is located, that covers all the expenses connected with staying abroad. SSEU has these opportunities thanks to close cooperation with such authoritative governmental funds as German Academic Exchange Service, Campus France, Fulbright, IREX, Ford Fund and etc.
It’s also important for the university to provide students with the opportunities to have professional internships at the foreign enterprises. In terms of long-lasting cooperation our university is developing relations with such great international companies and organizations as Johnson Controls, Schneider Electrics, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain), International Consulting Company RUSCOMERZ (Barcelona, Spain), Region-wide organization MEDEFF (French enterprise movement), hotel chain Capsis (Greece) and etc.
The most productive cooperation is implemented with trance-national company Johnson Controls (Burscheid, Germany). The projects at first aims the organization of the professional training for the students of SSEU and then their further employment in the management sector of the Johnson Controls company around the world.
Cooperation with the region-wide organization MEDEF (French enterprise movement, Champagne-Ardenne province) has been implemented since 2007. Annually a group of students of  SSEU take part in short –term internships “Visits to French enterprises”, which is followed by Russian-French student round-table discussions.
One more interesting project is the cooperation with Pietra  Barbara (Rome, Italy), which office is in Samara. This is the great logistical company Prime Shipping. Annually groups of students are invited to take part in introductory seminars which are held in Rome and supported by RF Embassy in Italy and with consuls’ participation.
Spanish company RUSCOMMERZ together with the Champagne-Ardenne province Barcelona also organize short-term internship, seminars and visiting administrative, industrial and social institutions of Spain.
The teachers of the university also have the opportunity to undertake the internships abroad on a competitive basis applying to the following programs: German Academic Exchange Service, Fulbright Fund, consortiums of the Europroject Erasmus Mundus.
At the university the opportunities for language improvement are implemented for the students and teachers. Everyone can have language courses in one of our language school partners.
To combine language courses and gain the experience in teaching economics and management basis students can take part in summer school activities of such universities as Justus Liebig University Giessen (Germany), Manchester Metropolitan University (Manchester, Great Britain).
International cooperation of SSEU is not only limited by educational project development. Annually students from Justus Liebig University Giessen, Manchester Metropolitan University and Kazakh Economic University of Ryskulov take part in the international academic competition in mathematical statistics and theory of relativity.
On the basis of French university partners field conference is organized “Issues of French-Russian economic cooperation development”. The conferences are held under the aegis of  governmental representatives of Champagne-Ardenne province and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Troyes (France). Next year we are planning to expand the area of our scientific cooperation and hold a conference in Shanghai (China) on the basis of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.
Scientific research of teaching staff of SSEU is acknowledged by international boards. For example, the monograph of associate professors of the department “World economy” was recognized and published by the committee in the collection of articles of lead economists on the basis of Toronto University (Canada), which is included in the list “The best hundred universities”. The scientists of SSEU are annually invited for reading lectures in the leading universities.


Клуб выпускников — это:
  • объединение выпускников СГЭУ, в числе которых есть как уже состоявшиеся профессионалы из разных отраслей, готовые делиться бизнес опытом, так и молодые специалисты готовые перенимать опыт и знания;
  • единое информационное пространство и стартовая площадка для обсуждения и дальнейшего запуска новых интересных и амбициозных проектов;
  • среда общения равных по духу и схожих интересами людей, которая помогает в процессе общения находить новые ресурсы, компетенции, контакты, деловые связи, бизнес идеи, открывать для себя новые карьерные возможности;
  • люди умеющие, как хорошо работать, так и качественно отдыхать;
  • сообщество, которое уважает и соблюдает традиции СГЭУ, участвует в благотворительных проектах и поддерживает инновационное развитие региона и государства путем формирования коллективного интеллектуального капитала.
Миссия Клуба - формирование интеллектуальной площадки для взаимодействия сообщества выпускников, создание максимально широкого спектра инструментов для их личностного и профессионального роста, налаживание их сотрудничества с Alma Mater и между собой.
Стратегическая цель Клуба — укрепление корпоративного единства университетского сообщества: выпускников, преподавателей, сотрудников, студентов, а также формирование и поддержание положительного имиджа университета в образовательном пространстве и социальной среде. Уже скоро начнет работу наш сайт клубсгэу.рф, где Вы сможете получить более подробную информацию.

Международная деятельность университета - подробности на sseu.ru

Международная деятельность – важная составляющая деятельности университета, нацеленная на интеграцию университета в международное образовательное пространство. Формы этой интеграции многообразны и реализуются в рамках договоров о совместном сотрудничестве:
  • Программы стажировок (Университет им. Юстуса Либига (Гиссен, ФРГ) Justus – Liebig – University Giessen; ТНК Джонсон Контролз – Transnational Company Johnson Controls; Высшая школа коммерции (Труа, Франция) Shampagne Highschool of Management (Troyes, France); программа краткосрочных стажировок «Визиты на предприятия Франции» и др.
  • Магистерские программы двойных дипломов (университетом им. Юстаса Либига (Гиссен, ФРГ ) – Justus –Liebig – University Giessen) и программы бакалавриата — (ВАВS – Bachelor of Administration Business Studies) для обучающихся студентов (с Открытым университетом Великобритании – Open University of UK)
  • Летние экономические школы и летние лагеря (Университет Манчестер Метрополитен – Manchester Metropolitan University (Великобритания), Университет им. Юстуса Либига – Justus – Liebig – University Giessen)
  • Совместные проекты международных конференций и совместные круглые столы (Университет им. Юстуса Либига – Justus – Liebig – University Giessen (Гиссен, ФРГ), в том числе и с представителями международного бизнеса (Движение предприятий Франции — MEDEF);
  • Участие в международных образовательных программах и грантовая деятельность (TEMPUS, IREX и др.).
В 2010 году произошло знаменательное для развития международной деятельности событие – СГЭУ принят в Великую Хартию университетов (Magna Charta Universitatum). Это событие открывает новые горизонты в развитии международной деятельности вуза.

вторник, 23 апреля 2013 г.

Это про Швецию....

Но этого нет на сайте sseu.ru

Швеция. Торгово-экономические отношения с РФ
1. Товарооборот.
Внешнеторговый оборот России со Швецией по итогам 2011 г., по данным российской таможенной статистики, составил9,2 млрд. долларов США и увеличился по сравнению с 2010 годом на 42,2%, в том числе, экспорт – 5,1 млрд. долларов США (прирост на 42,8%), импорт – 4,0 млрд. долларов США (увеличение на 41,5%).
Положительное сальдо России в торговле со Швецией в 2011 г. составило 1,1 млрд. долларов США.
В январе-феврале 2012 г. объем российско-шведского товарооборота составил 1,8 млрд. долларов США и увеличился по сравнению с тем же периодом 2011 г. на 69,5%, в том числе, экспорт – 1,4 млрд. долларов США (прирост на 113,4%),импорт – 436,6 млн. долларов США (прирост на 3,4%).
Положительное сальдо России в торговле со Швецией в январе-феврале 2012 г. составило 922,9 млн. долларов США.
(млн. долларов США)

2005 г.
2006 г.
2007 г.
2008 г.
2009 г.
2010 г.
2011 г.
Январь – февраль
2011 г.
Январь – февраль
2012 г.
4 180,6
4 342,6
6 120,7
8 655,7
5 239,2
6 443,0
9 164,9
1 059,5
1 796,1
рост в %
2 320,0
2 197,5
3 009,1
4 123,2
3 199,8
3 589,5
5 127,1
1 359,5
рост в %
1 860,6
2 145,1
3 111,6
4 532,6
2 039,4
2 853,6
4 037,8
рост в %
1 160,4
1 089,3
Место Швеции во внешней торговле России
в обороте
в экспорте
в импорте
Источник: Федеральная таможенная служба